Creating the perfect business name takes research, planning, thought– created to withstand time and serve a wide range of purposes.
A few pointers to consider:
▸ Search it. Are the words unique enough that searching online for your company will be easy for potential customers?
▸ Say it. Try pretending you are answering the telephone. How would you say the company name? Do you get tongue-tied? Is it a name you are proud to say aloud? Is it a name your customers would pass along?
▸ Ask around. Ask a few unknowing people what they think of when they hear the business name. This could bring out associations you haven’t considered.
▸ Keep it short. Simply put, shorter names function better. Most successful companies are 2 syllables: Apple, Google, Nike. Your company name does not have to describe all aspects of your business. Too many descriptive words can be difficult to remember.
▸ Be Flexible. It’s important to choose a name that won’t “box you in.” If you want to expand services or add products, choose a name that will allow your company to grow, change and develop.
▸ Take risks. Inventing an entirely new word can make your name stick, becoming instantly memorable for your customer base.
▸ Trust your gut. Asking around for opinions and associations is important, but ultimately, your name can be as original and unique as you’d like it to be. To be sure the creators of GoDaddy heard resistance on such a name, but much of what your company becomes depends on branding and marketing.
Choosing the right name can determine business success.
Have fun with it and above all else, choose a name you’ll be proud to market and work hard to build and develop.